Kennedy Tarrance earned her Bachelor’s of Science degree in Nutritional Science followed by over 5 years of experience in food and nutrition, specializing in areas such as public health, mental health and eating disorders. Kennedy is very passionate about the field of nutrition and believes that overall health and wellness begins from within. Kennedy is aware of the major impact that nutrition has on clients experiencing chronic illness, hormonal imbalance, gut issues, and disordered eating. Kennedy has experience working with individuals of all ages and genders that come from diverse backgrounds. Kennedy takes a gentle and warmhearted approach with her clients and believes that everyone has their own nutritional needs. Empowering clients to practice intuitive eating by teaching methods such as food substitution and increased variety, is what Kennedy takes pride in. Kenedy offers guidance in the areas of meal planning, grocery shopping, and healthy cooking. Helping clients make healthy changes by focusing on their own resources and strengths is what allows for an individualized coaching approach. Kennedy bases her client care on the principle of Health at Every Size, and encourages a well balanced lifestyle through her coaching methods.